Class ActionMailer::Base
In: lib/gibberish_db.rb
Parent: Object


Public Class methods

We want .to_html to be active when invoking action mailer through the create_XXX functions so that we can edit them in the menagerie. But, we want it to be inactive through the deliver_XXX functions so that end users don‘t see the extra markup. We make that happen here.


     # File lib/gibberish_db.rb, line 170
170:     def method_missing_with_html_suppression(method_symbol, *parameters)
171:       case method_symbol.id2name
172:       when /^deliver_([_a-z]\w*)/
173:         # No HTML for mails that are being delivered
174:         Gibberish::Translation.suppressing_html_wrapping do
175:           method_missing_without_html_suppression(method_symbol, *parameters)
176:         end
177:       else
178:         # Pass through for the others
179:         method_missing_without_html_suppression(method_symbol, *parameters)
180:       end
181:     end
